Thursday, December 16, 2010

Joa's Arc In The Paper

Joa's Arc was mentioned in the newspaper recently! Check it out: Fortescue feral cat colony doing just fine, thank you

Did you miss it? It's okay because I did too at first. Page 3 has this quote:She was instrumental in getting together the following groups: Save the Animals Foundation, Animal Friends Association, the Animal Welfare Association, Joa's Arc and the Camden County Animal Clinic, to provide the funds and services to trap, neuter and release the cats.

In October, Joa's Arc's Jen W supplied (wo)man-power and supplies! She went out trapping when her friends, Joan & Steve, mentioned a need for help in Fortescue, NJ. Coincidentally, this was the weekend after Jen W caught something else in Fortescue - her giant fish! She brought along a few traps, carriers, soft pretzels (for the people) and her aunt, mom & good friend, Alyssa, to help as well ... It ended up being quite a successful day!

I believe we trapped about 15 cats that day, which is a big deal because some of the feeders stopped by and mentioned that they had fed them earlier not knowing we were coming. There were at least 3 different cars that stopped by of people that usually care for the cats, so the love and the compassion for the cats was very obvious.

We used sardines, canned food and lunch meat, I think, in all the traps we set back in the reeds and along the road. We caught young cats/"teen" aged kittens and big toms! One cat we caught towards the end of our day was a cat one feeder referred to as "King of the Hill" - he was a white Tom with gray spots and bigtestosterone cheeks. She had tried for 2 years to catch him!! We got him not long after she mentioned this too, oddly enough. The number of cats we caught, the kind people that showed up and especially getting that long-time "King" made the day a great one!

Joa's Arc tries to do as much as possible for as many animals as we are able to. To be able to help Steve & Joan Bullock of Save The Animals Foundation is our pleasure as we are proud to be supported by this amazing organization and all the good work they do! Tweet This

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