Thursday, April 22, 2010

Examiner.Com Article on Cup ‘O Joe

Help Joa’s Arc to help toy poodle, Cup ‘O Joe

Thank you Megan Drake for this wonderful article about Joa's Arc and our sweet little Cup o' Joe who is such a sweet man, but still a little trooper too. Two days out of surgery and he seems to be doing real well so far.

You can go here to make a tax deductible donation to help us cover the cost of surgery & after care of Joe or use PayPal:

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1 comment:

  1. Jen, You are a blessed angel for all the hard work you do. Why can't everyone be as compassionate and supportive of our best friends as you are? I have a toy poodle who looks just like Cup of Joe named Bailey. Any way I can help please let me know!! Mike S at


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